How to Paint Mountains in Oils and Acrylics
Tone is most important when painting mountains
How to paint mountains that look like mountains.
Easy to follow tutorial on how to paint mountains.
The further away the mountain is the paler the tone.
Mountains usually fade into a pale blue or grey in the distance.
Learning how to paint mountains is similar to learning how to paint waves in the ocean, usually they both become bigger and darker as they come towards you. When possible, look at distant mountains and compare their tone to an object near you.
The mountain will be a pale tone and the near object will have a deeper tone. If the near object is colored white, it will still have a deeper tone than the distant mountain. (More vibrant).
Enjoy this tutorial video showing how to paint mountains in oil or acrylic.
An example of tonal differences can be seen if two red cars are placed, one close to you and one 500 meters away. The near car is bright red; the distant car is faded into a pale crimson or a grey. As a general rule mountains are pale blue in the distance, moving through purple and into grey as they become closer.
A few points to remember.
Do not put a grey or purple mountain behind a blue mountain.
The most distant mountains are pale blue and as they come forward the color crimson might be added and that will make the mountains a purple blue but this crimson tint must not be behind a mountain that is blue, the colors must be in the correct order, blue, purple and then grey.
You should not have a purple (red tinted blue) mountain behind a blue mountain.
In a very distant mountain range you would see a lot more individual mountains than in a closer mountain range.
Try to arrange the shape of your mountains so they slope into the picture, this will help attract the viewers eye.