About painting in oils or acrylics

Information About Painting in Oils and Acrylics

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On this ABOUT PAINTING page, you will find links to all the pages containing information about painting.
This is the official Paint With Len website.
There is no sign in or membership.
Please contact me if you find fault with the site, there is no hidden spam or malware on this site.
Thousands of beginner painters have found enjoyment and knowledge here on these pages.
My suggestion – you use this website as your own private painting course and start from the very beginning because things have been set out for you in this way.
P.S. If you like your lessons you can help me by passing the word around and sharing links to my pages.
First, think about this
There are 2 things you will be doing –
Number 1 is, learning how to apply the paint. You should do this by painting lots of simple little pictures. (learn to use the tools, practicing the brush strokes, techniques)
Number 2 is, learning where to apply the colors. You will do this by seeing the lessons and going outdoors to see for yourself how the world actually looks. (learning what makes a great painting, theory, arrangements, tones of colors, perspective), it is all explained here in these following pages.

Do browse this list of pages and enjoy a smoother learning experience furthermore it might save you a lot of canvas.

All the following links will take you to pages with painting information.

  • About Len Hend and his teaching.
    About Painting With Len.
  • About How to Start Painting.
    This page tells you how to go about starting to learn to Paint-With-Len in oil or acrylic, also, what to buy when learning to paint, including canvas, brushes, paint etc.
  • About How To Be an Artist.
    If you are genuinely interested in taking up painting as an art, and you wish to paint well, then you need to think and see things like an artist, and most importantly you need to learn to use the tools.
  • Arrangement in painting.
    Here we have a simple formula to make all your paintings attractive to the eye, you will learn what makes a good arrangement.
  • About Painting Tones and Color.
    Tone is a scary word for beginners.
    Here you will quickly learn what tones of colors has to do with painting and why using the correct tones is a must for high quality landscape paintings.
  • About Painting in Perspective.
    Perspective is often the last thing a painter studies, it should be the first.
    This page will let you know just how easy and important it is to paint in perspective.
  • About Painting Brushes.
  • List of Brushes.
    Brushes, and what to buy for oil or acrylic painting.
  • About Painting Wet-On-Wet.
    Read exactly what is meant by the term wet-on-wet when painting in oil or acrylic and why we paint wet-on-wet.
  • About Acrylic Paint Dries Too Fast.
    Let us discuss this annoying problem.
  • About the How-to pages.
    This link will take you to the list of How-tos.
    The How-to pages show how to paint items, sky, mountains, water, foliage.
    Furthermore it has videos showing how to glue down canvas and thin your oil paints.
  • Mistakes in Painting.
    Has a few common mistakes which should be avoided to keep your paintings looking great.

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6 thoughts on “About painting in oils or acrylics”

  1. Merry Christmas Len, i been using your lessons for almost a year now and people my family and the like, have gone from a doubtful, yeh right type of attitude, to now taking my plans to be a artist quite seriously with pats on the back and everything and i owe this new found confidence in myself and from my family completely to you and your lessons and i tell everyone too that i owe my new skills to Len Hend my art instructor hes the best. Thankyou so much and one day in a few years im gonna setup my own free lessons for people to use at will like yours to hopefully continue the blessings youve given to so many. Again thankyou and merry christmas from the united states. Dusty

    • Thanks Dusty and Merry Xmas to you.
      It’s great that you are doing what you are, teaching as you intend can be very rewarding.
      Anytime you wish to find my email address and send me images of your paintings, I am happy to assess them.
      I do this a lot and enjoy doing it.

  2. Thank you for sharing your skills Len… love your work you have given me more confidence to keep on painting and finish some unfinished work.. Thank you .. Mark Davison


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